
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ahh, a new year and a clean slate!

There's something refreshing in getting a new clean start each year. The holiday decorations are all put away, the house is back to normal, the endless goodies and treats are gone, we're back to our regular routines. I give a sigh of relief. Oh, I love the holidays, don't get me wrong, but I love, crave routines and normalness. Call me weird. Then comes the fresh start part. Time for those New Year's Resolutions. Those promises of making this the best year yet! So here are some of goals for the new year:

1. SIMPLIFY! Yup, that's my biggest goal this year, although it includes an awful lot. I want to simplify in the way we eat, more homemade - I will master rolls this year!!! Simplify in what we do as a family or my expectations and ideals of what we should be doing. Simplify in the amount of "stuff" we have or that sits around our house - I already have a huge bag for DI, and I thought I'd cleaned everything out already. Simplify in my YW calling. Simplify my scrapbook pages. I loved Elder Perry's talk this past conference called "Let Him Do It With Simplicity". I even have it downloaded on my mp3 right now. I'm also reading Carolyn J. Rasmus's book "Simplify" that I bought a few months ago and never managed to get to yet. It's an awesome book and when I finish it I'll have to write a review for it, maybe. My sister even gave me the word "simplify" to put in my house for Christmas. So that's it, I'm just going to simplify - we'll see how simple it really is.

2. Of course there's that stupid 15 lbs. I've been trying, but not trying very hard, to lose. They're gone this year!

3. I'm going to actually study the scriptures, not just read through them.

4. Spend more time scrapbooking and/or doing crafty things. I really miss this as I haven't spent much time in this area for a long time. This also means I have to keep what's supposed to be my craft area cleaned off. Unfortunatley, it turns in to the junk table catch all place and I always have to unclutter it before I can do anything fun. It's my one weak spot of junkiness in our house, but NO MORE!!

Okay, that's it. That's what I'm striving for for this month, one month at a time.


  1. OK. 1st: Coming from first hand knowledge about how much you like order, color coordinated closets, alphabetized CDs, fully manuscripted Barbie agendas, are weird (you said to call you that:) Actually, I'm like that a little too, believe it or not, I do crave order. Wether or not I acheive it is the question!

    2nd: how does making rolls from scratch = simple???

    3rd: I just walked down memory lane listening to "Way Cool Jr" and thinking of sitting in the drive through at Artic Circle.

  2. To respond:
    1-totally loling. You know me so well.
    2-That was sort of a side note, the simple was making my own bread-healthier, better, none of the loads of artificial stuff. Rolls are just the bane of my existence!
    3-Now I have my own "Way Cool Jr." that I can sing it for. I'm getting hit for his ring tone on my phone, too.
