
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Seuss's Birthday

"Try them, try them and you may. Try them and you may, I say." Since quoting this line is almost a daily occurence at our house, and is mostly said to Cheyenne with Jon coming in a close second, it's only fitting that we celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday with dinner of green eggs and ham (or sausage this time-same family, and so much better:-) ) This year's eggs were a little extra green with some swiss chard in them, too. Yes, I'm branching out and tried a new green vegetable, thanks to my "Bountiful Basket" last week. Cheyenne was not impressed, but I would eat it here or there. Say, I would eat it anywhere. We love celebrating his birthday with this dinner and then snuggling up and reading our favorite Dr. Suess books, of course!
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  1. Would you eat it with a fox?

  2. Cheyenne & especially Natalie look anything but impressed. lol

  3. this is too cute! cheyenne and natalie don't look too happy about the situation, but i'm sure they got over it.

  4. Natalie was just mad anyway for a reason other than dinner and that's a common look for Cheyenne. You should have seen her try to choke down bok choy last night. :)

  5. Ha! I love it! ♥

    Thanks for visiting my blog today :) (or, well, yesterday, lol)

  6. Fun, fun. I love Natalie's expression the best.

  7. Thanks for entering the Wrong Number giveaway! Stay tuned for the winner!

    And adorable Seuss hats, by the way. :)

  8. Oh, that picture's a winner! What cute hats. Bet Cheyenne is lovin' the Bountiful Baskets thing.
