
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Goal Setting and Resolutions Printable

It's that time of year, time to set those New Year's Resolutions.  Time for a fresh start, a new beginning, time to commit to making your life better.  Sounds like an overwhelming feet, right, a nice tradition, but really who keeps their resolutions for more than a week or two?  I challenge you to do something different this year.  Figure out why you don't keep your resolutions.  Is your goal too overwhelming to begin?  Is it something YOU really want to change or others want you to change or it's what everyone else is doing?  Is your goal so vague you don't know where/how to begin?  Do you need to learn knew skills in order to accomplish your goal?  Do you have so many things you vow to change you're burned out and frustrated after the first week? Hey, I'm there with you.  I've done all those things before or even worse, I just forget about my good intentions after a month or so.

So this year I've decided to do some things different this year.  I'm starting with 4 main goals at most.  Plus I'll break them down into smaller "weekly" goals.  I'll be more specific, instead of the always elusive "I want to lose weight," I'm stating, "I want to lose 25 lbs."  Finally, the number one thing experts always say to help accomplish your goal is WRITE IT DOWN!  After all, a goal is only a wish if it's not written down.  Because I always want a cute reminder, too, I made this printable that you're welcome to use, too.  Build a Better YOU in 2012!

Build a better YOU!
As I was contemplating what I wanted to improve this year, I thought back to my younger years of goal setting for my "Personal Progress" in our Young Women program at church.  I pulled out my very first book and found this great reminder of setting and reaching goals with 5 steps.
1 - Evaluate.  What do I want to be?  What do I want to learn?  What do I want to have happen in my life, now and in the future?
2 - Plan.  What do I need to do?  Write down EXACTLY what I want to accomplish.  Write down what I will DO to reach the goal.  Write down the name of the person to whom I will REPORT - be accountable.  Set a DATE by which I want to complete my goal.  I may need to reset the date occasionally while I continue to work on my goal.
3 - Act.  I will follow my plan of action.  If I need help, I will ask someone (spouse, friend, parents, leaders, experts) to help me accomplish my goal.
4 - Report.  Talk with the person (friend, spouse, especially Heavenly Father) I selected to discuss my progress with.  Get some support, some accountability.
5 - What will I do next?  Begin the process again, deciding what I want to do next and continuing my person progress.

I hope this will help you become the best YOU possible.  Let's do it together!  I'd be happy to be your "report" person if you want.  And I'll be reporting to you for some of my goals, too.
Let's make 2012 our best year yet!

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  1. Found you though {Ginger Snap Crafts} and I had to check out your adorable Resolution printable. I just linked up a Planning Sheet so I'm thinking our minds think alike! I'm following you!!


  2. Love printables and your goals are inspiring! I would love for you to share this at my party...going on now!

  3. Great printable! Would love for you to share at our Shine on Friday party:

  4. Awesome idea! Thank you for sharing! Happy New Year!

  5. I love this printable what a great way to make and keep our goals we have. Thanks for sharing, I featured this at So Very Creative today.

  6. This is so great! I'm all about being a better me this year (for christmas I gave my hubby my 9 goals/things I really want to work on and change as my gift to waking up with him in the morning, working out at least 4 days a week, meal planning and having dinner ready or almost ready when he gets home, staying on top of my supplements so I can be healthier and more energetic....etc

  7. Awesome printable! I think we all need a little help with our goals :) Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday! I hope to see you back this week.

    Trish - Mom On Timeout

  8. Great printable and tips! Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday To Do Party!
