
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Word of the Year and Accountability

Here goes, I'm going more personal here today.  I need your help.  I need YOU to keep me accountable.  Yes, I'm talking weight-loss.  I'm 175 pounds (yikes! and I just shared that with the world!!) and I don't want to be.  My kids wanted to go swimming last Friday and I seriously was not going to go/take them because I didn't want to put a swimming suit on.  Now that is just lame, limiting my activities because of my weight.  It's time to do something,more than just my usual wishful thinking resolution this time.  So I'm changing things up a little this year.  First of all, I've written my goal down (see my post here).

I'm also working on one mini-goal each week, and then I'll add on.  This week, I'm focusing on my water intake.  Good grief, I think I spent half the day in the bathroom yesterday, however, on the up side, I wasn't ever hungry.
As I was reading through my blog reader on Sunday, I came across a couple other blogs talking about having a "word of the year".  Interesting idea, I thought, but what would my word be.  "Simplify" - but that's nothing new, it's been my focus for a couple years now, and I've done more to un-simplify my life so that wouldn't work.  So as I was surfing the net/watching tv/reading a magazine (I'm a multi-tasker) a commercial caught my eye - the new Weight Watchers commercial.  Well, what I really noticed was the "Believe" popping up all over.  I like it!  Then the next day as I was reading a magazine on weight-loss goals/resolutions, part of it that jumped off the page at me was believing in yourself.  I found myself reading more about the same thing some place else and finally decided maybe it's something I need to work on.  Believing in myself.  Hmm, I guess it's been a while since I really thought about it, but yah, I don't really have a lot of confidence in myself anymore.  I'm not sure when that happened.  I remember being confident in high school, college even.  Is it something that oozes away along with memory and body shape with each new child we bring into this world? lol  I'm not sure, but I'm resolving to believe in myself this year, that's going to be my focus.  If I can believe in myself, then anything is possible.  I just found this quote recently on Pinterest:
Quote from

AWESOME!! This is my new motto.  I will acheive my goals this year and become the person I know I can be.  So I will be reporting my progress here throughout the year.  If I know I have to be accountable to you, maybe that'll make it a little easier to get up in the morning and get exercising.  And if anyone else wants to report their progress here, too, we'll all keep each other on the right track.

So what about you?  Have you ever thought of having a word for the year, what's your motto, what motivates you?  How do you build your self-confidence?  I'd love to hear what works for you.


  1. Way to go! You are brave and inspiring (and let's not forget people, this women has had six kids, and three came out at the same time)!

    I've been thinking a lot about a word or phrase for this year, and mine is, "let it go." Stop worrying about things I can't control or things that don't really matter in the long run.

    You are awesome. I wish we lived closer so we could be working out together this year. I got Dance
    Central 2 now too. Does that count?

  2. I stand all amazed at your bravery! I'm, of course, doing the same thing as you are. (My normal January quest.) I'm carrying around my water right now.

    You ought to check out a book I'm reading on my Kindle right now. (It was free yesterday.) It is "Perfect 10 Diet: 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Freat -- fast! by Dr. Michael Aziz. It debunks a lot of the stuff the other diets tell us.

    I'll be watching your progress.

  3. This is such a great post! I was nodding along with everything you said, thank you so much for putting yourself out there and inspiring others. Its really amazing.

    And thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comment. I appreciate it!

    Brie from

  4. I absolutely ADORE this.. SOOO cute..Inspiring!! THANKS SO MUCH for linking via Pin'Inspirational Thursday today.. This ROCKS and its one of my fav's of the day.. Thanks again.. Wishing you an amazing evening.. xoxo.. Marilyn...

  5. great 'I'm possible" quote - and good luck for 2012 and the weekly goals.

  6. You can do it!!! That quote is fabulous and I am a huge Audrey fan. Thanks for sharing and you have alot of support in blog land.
    I am starting the CSI Project Forum today so crafters can gather and talk. You can get support there as we talk about our goals for 2012.
    Come by and register. It is FREE!
    I would love it if you would share with your readers too!!!
    The first 50 people to register could win giveaways from our forum sponsors.

    Dee, the CSI Girl

  7. Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


  8. I just saw this quote on someone else's blog too! I love it! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!

  9. Love the Hepburn quote! You can totally do it! Good luck reaching your goal. My word for the year is Courage...I posted about it just today at oneartmama.blogspot.ocm.
    Thanks for sharing this at Shine on Fridays!

  10. You can do it!!!! Good luck and hope you have a wonderful year :)

    My one word for 2012 is positivity, so hopefully it works for me! xx

  11. Woo! You are a brave lady! Keep with it though, persistence and moderation and you'll be doing the happy dance in no time! Thanks for linking up! ~Jen

  12. I think you picked a perfect word! The more you believe in yourself the easier it will get and I sure believe in you! Good luck on your journey.. and I can't wait to share in your progress!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share netxt!

  13. Oh my gosh, I almost used that Hepburn quote image in my post today. You have to check it out, a few blogger friends and I have initiated a January challenge called "Imagine the Impossibilities". It would be so fun if you want to participate!

  14. You can do it! I lost 35lbs last year (I was 180!). It's hard but SO worth it. Good luck! New follower.

  15. That is a great quote! Losing weight is a difficult thing to tackle but as you work at becoming healthier I bet you will start to gain confidence!
