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Yeah, Marissa!! I'll email you and let you know what you need to do to claim your prize. Remember even if you didn't win, you can still get a great deal on this fun software. Go to
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STMMMS28745 to get $10 off.
This was so much fun, I'm going to have to do giveaways more often. :) Okay, on to today's post.
Photo from lyricsdog.eu |
What does your front door or entry way say about you? Mine was screaming "this lady is decorating early for Halloween, complete with spooky spider webs." Or, "here lives a lover of nature, too kindhearted and in touch with her environment to kill any living thing." Both of these are far from true, so I was ashamed that's what my house was saying to anyone visiting. I'll admit, it's not something I worry about a whole lot, I guess because I very rarely use the front door. However, I had occasion twice this past week to go in and out of my front door. I was horrified at the condition it was in. My front porch is a nice sheltering place with a little corner that often has some spiderwebs in it. It's a fact of life and I've learn to deal with a few webs, as long as I never actually see the little creepy crawlers (I HATE spiders!) I knew it was time to brush down the webs and wash off the house again, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. However, something had happened since I'd stepped out the last time, the corner, light fixtures, awning, everything was completely filled with spiderwebs and worse, filled with little gnats since we'd had the front lights on several nights lately. Add to that, we have an amazing killer cat who is the best mouser ever! He brings his kills and often deposits them in the corner, sometimes still alive so he can play with them for a while. There is always blood there and this time, several bird feathers. Needless to say, the front porch was gross! So as part of my labor day weekend "fun", I went to work on the front porch. Cheyenne was so kind (and brave) to take the broom before me while I was spraying off the house. She even had her first experience with a great big catface spider (ewwww!) Thank you, thank you, Cheyenne! It took a good couple of hours, but my front porch looks so much better. Now I think my entry way is saying, "here lives a clean, organized family, but still kind of boring."

This is were I need your help. I want to hang a wreath or something, but I'm a little leery of it scratching my door. The other thing is it's a metal door and we have siding, so how do you hang a wreath.? I think Bill would object to an over-the-door hanger because the door wouldn't close tight. I have a cute bench made of barn wood and an old milk can next to the door, but it could have some more personality, too. Oh, and there's the cat house, what do you do with that? Give me your best ideas and suggestions because I want my house to say, "a fun, friendly family lives here." What does your front door say about you?
P.S. Does anyone have any ideas for getting blood off of cement? Seriously, I have scrubbed and scrubbed, used cleaners, hydrogen peroxide and nothing will get the blood out of the cement in the "kill corner."
Partying with:
Creations by Kara
Tea Rose Home
The Trendy Treehouse
Sweet Peas and Bumblebees
House of Hepworths
A Glimpse Inside
Frugalicious Me
Tidy Mom
504 Main
Bacon Time
Somewhat Simple
Abode Love
I'd love it if you follow me!
I just removed a half deflated, upside-down pink whale kiddie-pool from mine. I am personally waiting for ideas from your other followers.
Yay to me! I won! Thank you!
First off I love your wrap around porch (wish I had one) and I love the black and white. It so versatile for holidays or color schemes. I think you need a nice red wreath like this
I think the green would look great too but I love red with black and white.
Then add matching topiaries to each side of the door. And do this to them for Halloween.
I love this porch with the cute chairs and I think it looks so much like yours but smaller.
As for hanging the wreath I hear there are magnet hooks for hanging wreaths you can buy. My door is metal and I just used the hanging hook thing that you put a small nail through and into the door.
Hopefully that helps with something
Thank you for swinging on by Our Wonderfilled Life and your sweet comment! Triplets, how fun!! I can't believe how fast it goes, my boys just turned two. I am keeping an eye on what you're up to next! ;)
All my best, Michelle
I love your porch. I think you can add either a yarn wreath with fall goodies on it or a bittersweet wreath. I would use a magnetic hook on the door. You can find them at Home Depot.
Some mums would look great, too.
I don't know what to do about the cat.
I am a new follower of yours and enjoyed reading your post come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
A Command hook would work for hanging your wreath too! Good luck!
Could you hang matching decorations, one each side of the front door? I was thinking hooked on (but hanging below) the lights?
My husband is like that about not putting hooks in or scratching stuff too.
Well I don't think I am dull but that's what my door would say now lol. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.
Next time you are in IF, I'd stop in at the Don Aslett store and ask them what to do about you mouse depository spot. I have a concrete cleaner from them or Fuller Brush that is really good. Plus it always made me laugh when I looked at that spot, it is quite unique :-)
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